Space is Satoru Tanaka, who was born on January 22, 1993 in Sawara Ward, Fukuoka City, and grew up in Togu, Miyazaki City, Miyazaki Prefecture, that is, a general term for my efforts. This time, the universe turned out to be the effort of Satoru Tanaka. Archangel Kako "Thank you, (God of the universe) Satoru Tanaka, you are a good dad." "Space, my dream, my goal is big!" Said Satoru Tanaka. Space "Finally, Satoru Tanaka is dazzling." Huh Satoru Tanaka "Ha ha ha shining, Satoru Tanaka da" I, Satoru Tanaka, will walk, until the day when Satoru Tanaka's efforts shine. This finding is historically rare Satoru Tanaka stepped on that in the history of the universe so far, there are many things that the standing person knows only. The universe fell down on the realistic, material view of the universe. Full-scale universe "Haha Satoru Tanaka, Haha Satoru Tanaka Please continue to work hard. This will not disappoint you....