(Space) About Pigfrog - A frog was registered in the pig's throat (Osora no Sora was able to unlock it / A shocking scoop approaching the reality !!)-

A pigfrog was a frog registered in a pig's throat. The frog doesn't croak "buhibuhi", but it seems to make the drink difficult to drink. (Sora's opinion) Also, the pig's face was registered as a foreign object, so it was canceled. Pigs were born with a disease that made their faces plump. It is speculated that "registration" was the cause. In addition, when I asked the pig about her opinion, it seems that when a pig is born, it is educated to say, "You are actually a human woman." And if she says, "I'm a pig," she'll be knocked down. That's it - Tanaka Document Authorization: The Earth called Earth, the sky in the sky, the stars, the substance called



太陽が調子を悪くして、スピカが太陽系に物理的に来て今週から2000年間太陽をした。文章認可: Stars, 世界, 宇宙

月の後継者 惑星クローネ -New Biginning 2-

(News) 全星達が半永久的に生きれる様になった。 文章認可: 重力, 宇宙