The separation from the personal computer is becoming more serious. --By Satoru Tanaka

Everyone, even if the display is a display Look at your computer's display instead of your TV. Are you collecting emails? By the way, if you surf the internet The topic is endless. Please enjoy talking with your family and friends. By the way, as the author of this sentence, I like entertainment information. The separation from the personal computer is becoming more serious. --By Satoru Tanaka



太陽が調子を悪くして、スピカが太陽系に物理的に来て今週から2000年間太陽をした。文章認可: Stars, 世界, 宇宙

月の後継者 惑星クローネ -New Biginning 2-

(News) 全星達が半永久的に生きれる様になった。 文章認可: 重力, 宇宙