The comet's counterattack hits the earth. The word "By Comet" on various penetrating devices. Beware--Satoru Tanaka

Human body fluids have been used for food sweets and beverages since around 2020, etc. Music that was a hit from 2020 to 2021 was made by doing stimulants, etc. Human body fluids were used for medicines from 2020 to 2021, etc. Since 2020, the military has been using comet technology, penetrating equipment, etc. Watch out for ideas and technology from comets Satoru Tanaka Document Approval: Earth, Best Universe



太陽が調子を悪くして、スピカが太陽系に物理的に来て今週から2000年間太陽をした。文章認可: Stars, 世界, 宇宙

月の後継者 惑星クローネ -New Biginning 2-

(News) 全星達が半永久的に生きれる様になった。 文章認可: 重力, 宇宙