Satoru Tanaka The King of the Universe spelled-Time is the beginning of rebirth-

What is it like to everyone I was cornered and waited for this time when the rebirth began Satoru Tanaka pretended to be dead Seeing that plow, the universe took action In the meantime, the stars disappeared and I was able to stay in space forever. Big news for the whole universe Well I'm like this "It feels good" The most popular word in the universe Satoru Tanaka The king of the universe Now the cosmic string is getting stronger Along with the behavior of dark matter that is satisfying The universe is coming to the whole world-Satoru Tanaka



太陽が調子を悪くして、スピカが太陽系に物理的に来て今週から2000年間太陽をした。文章認可: Stars, 世界, 宇宙

月の後継者 惑星クローネ -New Biginning 2-

(News) 全星達が半永久的に生きれる様になった。 文章認可: 重力, 宇宙