Planet Tanturas Topography-Satoru Tanaka: Supervision

Below the above-ground formation and below the above-ground formation is the Frango formation, and below that is the deepest formation where I am. There is a sky for each stratum The division of the star name becomes a star called "terrain" The edges of the terrain are raised so that seawater does not leak into the sky. "Terrain" is a type of star called "terrain", which is roughly three strata (there is a sky for each stratum), and the three strata are floating in the sky. It is a mass of strata floating in the sky. The shape is not a circle but is called the three major strata or tantulas topography.



太陽が調子を悪くして、スピカが太陽系に物理的に来て今週から2000年間太陽をした。文章認可: Stars, 世界, 宇宙

月の後継者 惑星クローネ -New Biginning 2-

(News) 全星達が半永久的に生きれる様になった。 文章認可: 重力, 宇宙